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Gems are used to unlock the albums of your choice without advertising (One album cost between 1 and 5 Gems).
• Earn between 50 and 400 Gems by submit an album on telegram @nlthub_contact or on Submission page if you feel your album has never been seen before and is of quality.
• Earn 10 Gems if you're the first to tell us what state this girl lives in with supporting evidence in the comments (if she's an American).
• Earn 30 Gems by writing a review of the products you've bought in the store (whether good or bad review, please give your honest opinion). from AZ
Their faces look nothing at all alike. What makes you think the girl in NLT’s post is Leslie McDowell? I believe she is Alli Hage. Her face looks the same in the NLT post as the Alli Hage from University of Arizona–page 13 of this publication:
Apologies. I agree this is Alli Hage from Arizona. I meant to post my other comment on @arnoldpalmer’s claim that her name is Leslie McDowell.
Agreed. Here’s her IG:
Even though her account is private, you can tell from the small thumbnail pic, that it’s the same girl.
She is definitely Allison Hage from AZ.
This album is of Leslie Mcdowell not Alli Hage.
Leslie is from Arkansas
Their faces look nothing at all alike. What makes you think the girl in NLT’s post is Leslie McDowell? I believe she is Alli Hage. Her face looks the same in the NLT post as the Alli Hage from University of Arizona–page 13 of this publication:
I see the source of confusion. The image with the thumbnails clearly says Leslie McDowell. All of the pics and videos in this post are of Alli Hage with except for the one image of thumbnails of Leslie McDowell.
so wheres the album for Leslie?
The Mega link has been removed, need to re-upload it.